My December monthly spread in my bullet journal turned into a bright, colorful, glittery explosion of holiday joy!

To add a pop of color and texture to the pages, I started by gluing down some icy blue tissue paper to create a border and give my stickers an anchor.

I was feeling playful when I made this journal spread, and I really wanted to embrace the holiday spirit, so I got out my gold glitter! To make the 'December' title, I lightly drew out the letters with a pencil. Then I traced over them with my bottle of Elmer's school glue and poured the glitter on top. You know the drill. I anticipate finding glitter on everything throughout December and I'm fine with it!

I finished off my decorating by using as many festive holiday stickers as I could fit! The colorful Christmas trees, cookies, candies, and wintery snowflakes get me right into the holiday spirit every time I open my journal.